Checking Windows License Status and KMS Configuration with PowerShell

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Checking Windows License Status and KMS Configuration with PowerShell

In this blog post, I will walk you through a PowerShell script that helps you check the current license status of a Windows host, verify if it’s using a Key Management Service (KMS), determine if it’s part of a domain, and check the DNS KMS settings if applicable.

What Does the Script Do?

This PowerShell script performs several important tasks:

  1. Retrieves and displays the current license status of the Windows host.
  2. Checks if the host is using a KMS server.
  3. Verifies if the host is part of a domain.
  4. If part of a domain, queries DNS for KMS SRV records.

The PowerShell Script

Here’s the complete PowerShell script with detailed comments and documentation:

    This script reports the current license status of a Windows host, checks if it is using KMS, verifies if it is part of a domain, retrieves DNS server information, and checks the DNS KMS settings if applicable.

    The script performs the following tasks:
    - Retrieves and displays the current license status.
    - Checks if the host is using a KMS server.
    - Verifies if the host is part of a domain.
    - Retrieves DNS server information.
    - If part of a domain, queries DNS for KMS SRV records.

    File Name  : LicenseStatusReport.ps1
    Author     : Craig Wilson
    Version    : 1.4
    Last Updated: 2024-06-06
    Disclaimer : Provided with no warranty. Use at your own risk.

    This script does not take any parameters.

    To run this script, open PowerShell with administrative privileges and execute the script as follows:


# Function to get the OS information
function Get-OSInfo {
        Retrieves the operating system information of the host.

        This function uses the 'Get-WmiObject' cmdlet to query the OS information.

        [PSCustomObject] The operating system information.

        $osInfo = Get-OSInfo
    $os = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_OperatingSystem
        "Name"        = $os.Caption
        "Version"     = $os.Version
        "BuildNumber" = $os.BuildNumber
        "Architecture"= $os.OSArchitecture

# Function to get the current KMS server
function Get-KmsServer {
        Retrieves the current KMS server configured on the host.

        This function uses the 'Get-WmiObject' cmdlet to query the KMS server configuration.

        [string] The KMS server name if configured, otherwise $null.

        $kmsServer = Get-KmsServer
    $kmsInfo = Get-WmiObject -Query "SELECT KeyManagementServiceMachine FROM SoftwareLicensingProduct WHERE ApplicationID='55c92734-d682-4d71-983e-d6ec3f16059f'"
    if ($kmsInfo -and $kmsInfo.KeyManagementServiceMachine -ne "") {
        return $kmsInfo.KeyManagementServiceMachine.Trim()
    } else {
        return $null

# Function to get the machine's domain status
function Get-DomainStatus {
        Checks if the host is part of a domain.

        This function uses WMI to determine if the machine is part of a domain by comparing the domain and workgroup names.

        [string] The domain name if the machine is part of a domain, otherwise $null.

        $domain = Get-DomainStatus
    $computerSystem = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_ComputerSystem
    $domain = $computerSystem.Domain
    $workgroup = $computerSystem.Workgroup
    if ($domain -ne $workgroup) {
        return $domain
    } else {
        return $null

# Function to test the DNS KMS settings
function Test-KmsDnsSettings {
        Queries DNS for KMS SRV records if the host is part of a domain.

        This function queries DNS for the KMS SRV record (_vlmcs._tcp) within the domain if the host is part of a domain.

    $kmsDnsRecord = "_vlmcs._tcp"
    $domain = Get-DomainStatus

    if ($domain) {
        try {
            Write-Host "Querying DNS for KMS SRV record in domain $domain..."
            $dnsQuery = Resolve-DnsName -Name "$kmsDnsRecord.$domain" -Type SRV -ErrorAction Stop
            if ($dnsQuery) {
                Write-Host "KMS DNS setting found:"
                $dnsQuery | Format-Table -AutoSize
            } else {
                Write-Host "No KMS DNS setting found."
        } catch {
            Write-Host "Failed to query DNS for KMS. Error: $_"
    } else {
        Write-Host "Machine is not part of a domain."

# Function to get the current license status
function Get-LicenseStatus {
        Retrieves and displays the current license status of the host.

        This function uses the 'Get-WmiObject' cmdlet to query and display the current license status, filtering to show only licensed products.

    Write-Host "Checking current license status..."
    $licenseStatus = Get-WmiObject -Query "SELECT Description, LicenseStatus FROM SoftwareLicensingProduct"
    $licensedProducts = $licenseStatus | Where-Object { $_.LicenseStatus -eq 1 }
    $licensedProducts | Select-Object Description, LicenseStatus

# Function to get DNS server information
function Get-DnsServers {
        Retrieves the DNS server information of the host.

        This function uses the 'Get-DnsClientServerAddress' cmdlet to query the DNS server information.

        [PSCustomObject] The DNS server information.

        $dnsServers = Get-DnsServers
    $dnsServers = Get-DnsClientServerAddress -AddressFamily IPv4
    $dnsServers | Select-Object -ExpandProperty ServerAddresses | ForEach-Object {
            "DNS Server" = $_

# Main script execution
Write-Host "Starting license status report..."
$executionTime = Get-Date
Write-Host "Execution Time: $executionTime"
Write-Host "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------"

# Get OS Information
$osInfo = Get-OSInfo
Write-Host "- Operating System Information                                                   -"
Write-Host "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
$osInfo | Format-Table -AutoSize -HideTableHeaders

# Check and get license status
$licensedProducts = Get-LicenseStatus
Write-Host "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
Write-Host "- Checking Licenses via WMI                                                       -"
Write-Host "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
Write-Host "Licensed Products:"
$licensedProducts | Format-Table -AutoSize -HideTableHeaders

$totalLicensed = $licensedProducts.Count
Write-Host "Total licensed products: $totalLicensed"
Write-Host "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------"

# Check if using KMS
Write-Host "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
Write-Host "- Checking KMS Licensing via DNS                                                  -"
Write-Host "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
$kmsServer = Get-KmsServer
if ($kmsServer) {
    Write-Host "Using KMS server: $kmsServer"
} else {
    Write-Host "No KMS server configured."

# Check if part of a domain
$domain = Get-DomainStatus
if ($domain) {
    Write-Host "Machine is part of the domain: $domain"
} else {
    Write-Host "Machine is not part of a domain."

# Test DNS KMS settings if part of a domain
if ($domain) {

# Get DNS Server Information
Write-Host "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
Write-Host "- DNS Server Information                                                          -"
Write-Host "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
$dnsServers = Get-DnsServers
$dnsServers | Format-Table -AutoSize

Write-Host "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
Write-Host "License status report completed."
Write-Host "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
Write-Host "Execution Time: $executionTime"

How to Run the Script

  1. Open PowerShell with administrative privileges: Right-click on the PowerShell icon and select “Run as administrator.”
  2. Save the script: Save the above script as LicenseStatusReport.ps1 on your machine.
  3. Navigate to the script location: Use the cd command to navigate to the directory where you saved the script.
  4. Execute the script: Run the script by typing:

Understanding the Script

  1. Get-LicenseStatus: This function retrieves and displays the current license status using wmic.
  2. Get-KmsServer: This function checks if the machine is using a KMS server and retrieves the KMS server name if configured.
  3. Get-DomainStatus: This function determines if the machine is part of a domain.
  4. Test-KmsDnsSettings: If the machine is part of a domain, this function queries DNS for the KMS SRV record.
  5. Main Script Execution: The main part of the script calls these functions in sequence, providing a comprehensive report of the license status, KMS server usage, and DNS KMS settings.


This script is provided with no warranty. Use it at your own risk. Ensure you have the necessary permissions and understand the script before running it.

By using this script, you can easily gather essential information about the licensing status of your Windows hosts, making it a valuable tool for IT administrators and support personnel.