
Exploring the Certificate Store via PowerShell

Craig Wilson
A Different View: Exploring the Certificate Store via PowerShell While many turn to the certificate MMC to observe their certificates, I opted for a different angle using PowerShell. Here’s how you can harness PowerShell to extract information about your certificates: 1. To List All Trusted Root CA in the Local Machine: $LocalMachineRootCA = (Get-ChildItem Cert:\LocalMachine\Root\) | Select-Object FriendlyName, Subject, Issuer, NotAfter, NotBefore, HasPrivateKey, Name, Thumbprint $LocalMachineRootCA | Export-Csv -Path .\LocalMachineRootCA.csv -NoTypeInformation 2.

Australian Banks: A Deep Dive into Cipher Security

Craig Wilson
Australian Banks: A Deep Dive into Cipher Security Australian Banks: A Deep Dive into Cipher Security In a world increasingly reliant on online banking, the security protocols and ciphers adopted by banks are more critical than ever. Curiosity led me to investigate which Australian banks might still be operating with outdated ciphers. My method? A PowerShell script, albeit a straightforward one, to parse outputs from SSLSCAN and collate them into comprehensible CSV files.